Title: The Divine Play Without End

Title: The Divine Play Without End
Chromogenic Digital C-print, 41″ x 27.5″
Just as the photograph can turn living beings into artifacts it can also turn artifacts into living beings. These hyper-realistic images push the objects into a world of their own by allowing the viewer to lay over their own emotional and narrative content. Neal Robinson is an international artist who has shown both at home and abroad. Born in Columbus Ohio Neal attended The Ohio State University where he received his B.A. in Art. In 2009 Neal received his MFA in Photography from the Cranbrook Academy of Art where he studied under the renowned artists David Hilliard and Liz Cohen.
Digital Print, 19″x13″
Fans of the science fiction show Dr. Who will notice that the first letter of each word in his piece Time and Relative Dimensions in Space spells out Tardis. This was the fictional time traveling device that the protagonist of the show flew around in.